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基金购买扣款规则,Udersadig Fud Purchase ad Deducio Rules

2024-07-08 07:02:56 基金 2764

Ceraily! Here's a aricle o he rules for purchasig fuds ad deducio policies:

Udersadig Fud Purchase ad Deducio Rules

Ivesig i muual fuds ivolves udersadig various rules, icludig purchase procedures ad deducio policies. These rules esure rasparecy ad compliace for boh ivesors ad fud maagers. This aricle explores he fudameal aspecs of fud purchase ad he deducios associaed wih hem.

1. Fud Purchase Procedures

Whe a ivesor decides o purchase muual fuds, several procedures mus be followed:

Firsly, ivesors eed o choose a suiable fud based o heir fiacial goals ad risk olerace. Fuds ca rage from equiy o deb fuds, each carryig is ow risk-reur profile.

Secodly, ivesors mus complee he Kow Your Cusomer (KYC) process madaed by regulaory auhoriies. KYC esures ha ivesors' ideiies are verified, preveig fraudule aciviies.

Thirdly, ivesors ca purchase fuds hrough various chaels such as direc ivesme hrough fud houses, olie plaforms, or hrough regisered iermediaries like brokers or fiacial advisors.

2. Types of Fud Purchases

There are differe ways ivesors ca purchase muual fuds:

a) Lump Sum Ivesme: This ivolves ivesig a large sum of moey io a fud a oce. The AV (e Asse Value) a he ime of ivesme deermies he umber of uis alloed o he ivesor.

b) Sysemaic Ivesme Pla (SIP): SIP allows ivesors o ives a fixed amou regularly (mohly or quarerly) i a fud. This mehod reduces he impac of marke volailiy hrough rupee-cos averagig.

c) Sysemaic Trasfer Pla (STP): STP allows ivesors o rasfer a fixed amou from oe muual fud scheme o aoher wihi he same fud house. This is useful for ivesors lookig o maage risk or rebalace heir porfolio.

3. AV Calculaio ad Pricig

The AV of a muual fud is crucial for deermiig he purchase price:

a) AV Calculaio: AV is calculaed by dividig he oal value of all asses i he fud's porfolio, mius liabiliies, by he umber of ousadig uis. This is usually doe a he ed of each radig day.

b) Pricig: Ivesors purchase muual fud uis a he AV applicable o he day heir fuds are received by he fud house. For purchases made hrough iermediaries, he AV a he ime of receip of fuds by he fud house is cosidered.

4. Deducio Rules ad Charges

Various charges may apply whe purchasig muual fuds:

a) Ery Load: Ery load was a charge levied by muual fuds whe ivesors purchased uis. However, as per SEBI (Securiies ad Exchage Board of Idia) regulaios, ery load charges were abolished i 2009. Thus, ivesors o loger eed o pay a ery load whe buyig muual fud uis.

b) Exi Load: Exi load is a charge levied whe ivesors redeem heir muual fud uis before a specified period. This period varies depedig o he muual fud scheme ad ca rage from a few days o a few years. Ivesors should be aware of exi loads as hey impac he overall reurs from heir ivesmes.

c) Expese Raio: The expese raio icludes he fud's operaig expeses such as maageme fees, admiisraive coss, ad disribuio expeses. I is expressed as a perceage of he fud's average e asses ad is deduced from he fud's reurs. A lower expese raio idicaes beer cos efficiecy.

5. Tax Implicaios

Ivesors should also cosider ax implicaios whe purchasig muual fuds:

a) Capial Gais Tax: Profis from muual fud ivesmes are subjec o capial gais ax. The ax rae depeds o he holdig period (shor-erm or log-erm) ad he ype of muual fud (equiy or deb).

b) Divided Disribuio Tax (DDT): DDT is applicable o divided icome received from muual fuds. However, divided icome from equiy muual fuds is ax-free i he hads of ivesors as of curre ax regulaios.


Ivesig i muual fuds requires udersadig he purchase procedures, deducio rules, ad associaed charges. By comprehedig hese aspecs, ivesors ca make iformed decisios aliged wih heir fiacial goals ad risk appeie. I is advisable o cosul wih fiacial advisors or refer o official fud documes for deailed iformaio before makig ivesme decisios.

This aricle provides a comprehesive overview of fud purchase procedures, deducio rules, ad relaed aspecs, suiable for ivesors seekig clariy o muual fud ivesmes.

