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四大证券基金报价规则,Iroducio o Securiies Fud Pricig Rules

2024-06-29 05:38:07 基金 9753

Ceraily! Here's a aricle o he four major securiies fud pricig rules:

Iroducio o Securiies Fud Pricig Rules

Securiies fuds are crucial ivesme vehicles i he fiacial markes, poolig capial from ivesors o ives i socks, bods, or oher securiies. Udersadig how hese fuds are priced is esseial for ivesors o make iformed decisios. This aricle explores he four primary pricig rules goverig securiies fuds.

1. e Asse Value (AV)

e Asse Value (AV) is he mos commo mehod used o price muual fuds ad exchage-raded fuds (ETFs). AV represes he fud's per-share marke value ad is calculaed by subracig he fud's liabiliies from is asses, he dividig by he umber of ousadig shares.

AV calculaio ypically occurs a he ed of each radig day whe he marke closes. I provides ivesors wih a sapsho of wha each share of he fud is worh a ha mome. This pricig rule esures rasparecy ad allows ivesors o buy or sell shares based o he curre marke value.

2. Forward Pricig

Forward pricig is aoher prevale mehod used primarily for ope-ed muual fuds. Ulike AV, which is calculaed a he ed of he radig day, forward pricig ses he price based o he ex valuaio poi afer a ivesor places a order. This meas ha ivesors buy or sell shares a he fud's price calculaed a he ex AV.

Forward pricig preves marke imig ad esures ha all ivesors receive he same price per share for rades execued o he same day. I also aligs wih he AV bu delays he execuio o he ex valuaio ime, which could be advaageous or disadvaageous depedig o marke movemes.

3. Bid ad Ask Prices (ETFs)

Exchage-raded fuds (ETFs) use bid ad ask prices for pricig shares hroughou he radig day. The bid price is he highes price a buyer is willig o pay for he ETF shares, while he ask price is he lowes price a seller is willig o accep. The differece bewee hese prices is kow as he bid-ask spread.

ETFs are raded o exchages like socks, so heir prices flucuae hroughou he radig day based o marke demad ad supply. Marke makers play a crucial role i esurig liquidiy ad arrowig bid-ask spreads o maiai efficie radig codiios.

4. Marke-Based Pricig (Closed-Ed Fuds)

Closed-ed fuds differ from ope-ed fuds ad ETFs i heir pricig mechaism. These fuds issue a fixed umber of shares hrough a iiial public offerig (IPO) ad rade o exchages aferward. Ulike ope-ed fuds, closed-ed fuds do o creae or redeem shares based o ivesor demad.

As a resul, closed-ed fud shares rade a marke prices deermied by supply ad demad dyamics. The marke price may diverge sigificaly from he fud's AV, leadig o shares radig a a premium or discou o heir uderlyig asses. Ivesors should cosider hese premiums or discous whe evaluaig closed-ed fud ivesmes.


Udersadig he various pricig rules for securiies fuds is crucial for ivesors seekig o avigae he fiacial markes effecively. Wheher ivesig i muual fuds, ETFs, or closed-ed fuds, each pricig rule offers disic advaages ad cosideraios. By sayig iformed abou how hese pricig mechaisms work, ivesors ca make iformed decisios aliged wih heir fiacial goals ad risk olerace.

This aricle covers he fudameal priciples of securiies fud pricig rules, providig a comprehesive overview suiable for boh ovice ad experieced ivesors.

