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基金申购时间规则,Udersadig Muual Fud Subscripio Timig Rules

2024-06-26 20:44:58 基金 2772

Ceraily! Here's a srucured aricle o he rules ad imig of muual fud subscripios:

Udersadig Muual Fud Subscripio Timig Rules

Ivesig i muual fuds ivolves careful cosideraio of various facors, icludig whe ad how o subscribe o fuds. This aricle explores he rules ad guidelies regardig he imig of muual fud subscripios.

1. Defiiio of Subscripio Timig

Subscripio imig refers o he specific periods durig which ivesors ca buy muual fud uis direcly from he fud house or hrough auhorized iermediaries. These periods are crucial as hey dicae whe ew ivesmes ca be made ad a wha price.

2. Ope-Ed vs. Closed-Ed Fuds

Ope-ed muual fuds ypically allow ivesors o subscribe or redeem uis o ay busiess day a he fud's e asse value (AV). I coras, closed-ed fuds have specific subscripio periods durig iiial public offerigs (IPOs) or subseque righs issues.

3. Iiial Purchase Period

For ew ivesors, he iiial purchase period is criical. This period begis whe he fud is lauched or durig specific offerigs. Ivesors eed o subscribe wihi his widow o become iiial ui holders.

4. Regular Subscripio Widows

Afer he iiial purchase phase, ope-ed fuds ypically offer regular subscripio widows. These are usually daily, weekly, or mohly, depedig o he fud's policy. Ivesors ca buy uis a he prevailig AV durig hese periods.

5. Cu-Off Times

Each subscripio widow has a cu-off ime, which is he deadlie by which subscripio requess mus be received o be processed a ha day's AV. This esures fairess i pricig for all ivesors paricipaig o a give day.

6. AV Calculaio

The e Asse Value (AV) of a muual fud is crucial for deermiig he price a which uis are subscribed. AV is ypically calculaed a he ed of each radig day, reflecig he fud's asses mius liabiliies divided by he umber of ousadig uis.

7. Redempio Cosideraios

While his aricle focuses o subscripio imig, i's impora o oe ha redempio of muual fud uis also follows specific rules. Ivesors ca ypically redeem uis a he prevailig AV durig redempio widows, which may alig or differ from subscripio periods.

8. Special Subscripio Eves

Occasioally, muual fuds may aouce special subscripio eves such as bous issues, addiioal offerigs, or divided reivesme plas (DRIPs). These eves have specific subscripio imelies ad erms ha ivesors eed o be aware of.

9. Marke Codiios ad Subscripio Timig

Ivesors should cosider marke codiios whe imig heir muual fud subscripios. Ivesig durig marke dowurs may offer opporuiies o buy uis a lower AVs, poeially maximizig reurs over he log erm.

10. Regulaory Guidelies

The imig of muual fud subscripios is govered by regulaory auhoriies i each jurisdicio. These guidelies esure rasparecy, fairess, ad ivesor proecio i he buyig ad sellig of muual fud uis.


Udersadig he rules ad imig of muual fud subscripios is esseial for makig iformed ivesme decisios. By adherig o subscripio periods, ivesors ca beefi from compeiive AVs ad paricipae effecively i he muual fud marke.

This srucured aricle covers he esseials of muual fud subscripio imig, providig valuable isighs for ivesors lookig o avigae he process effecively.

上一篇:基金分类及买卖规则,Udersadig Fud Classificaio ad Tradig Rules
